日本の女性は、「ホストクラブ」で一晩の "愛 "を手に入れることができる。 この疑似恋愛のために作られた特別なセットでは、役者達が主人公の女性にひと時の夢を見させてくれる。


ホストの間には、ある程度の序列がある。新入りの男たちは、夕方に客が来る前にクラブの掃除や手入れをしなければならないし、マネージャーもかつてはベテランホストだった。この写真は、東京を代表する老舗のホストクラブ「Club 愛」でお客を待つホスト達の日常を切り取ったものだ。

For the right price, women in Japan can find “love” for a night at a"Host Club", an establishment where men are paid to drink and converse while charming their female clients. Hundreds of host clubs exist in a district of Tokyo called Shinjyuku-Kabukicho along with bars and love hotels. Typically the hosts approach the women for engagement, but for an extra fee the women can chose their Host. Being chosen makes the Host's persona and appeal an important ingredient to their success. A glamorous 80's "Tony Montana" style (from the movie Scareface) is quite popular.

There is somewhat of a heirarchy among the hosts. The newer men have to clean and take care of the club prior to the clients arriving in the evenings and the managers were once seasoned hosts themselves. Naturally, customers can easily fall in love with their hosts, mistaking the ploy intended to bring them back for more bussiness, for true affection. The photgraphs in Love for Sale were taken at the Club Ai, the most iconic host club in Tokyo. These Casanovas of the night were photographed while waiting for the work shift to begin.